Dare not to speak against vuejs

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    @AlexDeLarge could not afford to pay lawyers ...'back in time'
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    What's with the vue hype? It's been around for quite some time.
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    @mzeffect as they say "Angular and react had sex, and vuejs was born"
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    its as powerful as it is simple.
    fast learning curve, fast load time ( faster than react )
    it doesnt comes pre loaded with things you dont need. like vue Router is a independent library which can be easily integrated with a line of code
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    @jalebiBhai well it's also true for react. React router, redux, etc. All separate libs, so I can appreciate this aspect. What I'm not a big fan of is the angular style templating. I just like my jsx, man. It's simple and powerful.

    Supposedly vue also supports jsx so that's a reason to check it out.
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    @mzeffect how templating is not good ?
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    let html remain html and JavaScript remain Javascript.
    let's not much them
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    infact picture becomes more clear when you separate html with javascript code
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    @jalebiBhai I could argue that the template is not HTML. It might not be in an HTML file to begin with, but in a vue file. The syntax of templating constructs are meaningless to an HTML parser, they're just strings containing curly braces and stuff. So how is templating "more html" than jsx? I'd say neither of them are, and that's fine.
    Also, vue actually spits out virtual dom first, just as react.

    Having a repeat in a template with custom vue templating syntax that spits out pieces of virtual dom based on an array of items, feels "heavier" to me than just using map on the array, which is just standard javascript.
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    @Galrog let's create a new toolkit (framework is not cool anymore). I think it would be beneficial to display non-web apps in browsers because they are such powerful much wow. So think java applets or silverlight but better. Man that would be amazing.
    So basically you would use javascript to write everything because that's much useful such wow, and actually get a native app that is in turn displayed inside the browser!
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    @mzeffect still not clear what you wrote
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    Angular needs some ++ over here.
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    @Galrog he had some mind blowing idea. Next big thing. Like windows phone big
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    looking forward to start working on it
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    @Galrog we better be quiet about this. Someone could steal the idea. We also need enterprise support for the toolkit, that's $999 a month per developer seat. It gives you access to a person who helps you read the documentation on demand, 24/7.
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    Have you read the reactjs licence that facebook uses for it? U'll know what he is talking about... @AlexDeLarge
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    @humble the one where they say if you use technology for free developed by Facebook and then sue Facebook, you lose the license? I thought they already changed that..? I might be mistaken though.

    Even so, you just use react, and then in production you ditch react and use preact with preact-compat. That's what I do actually, because preact is really small, and with compat it just works, every time.
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    @mzeffect will trust the company again that hired you, fired you considering you not worthy, then hire you back when they are lack developers ?
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    and if you had read the blog which was written by react developer, announcing fallback of license, he clearly mentioned that developers using react failed to understand what they were trying to do and that facebook move was in interests of developers using react
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    Also telling developers that its open source. come work with it. And then ditch all the developers that had product in development
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    PS - Yes the licensing terms had changed
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    @jalebiBhai what do you need to trust them with? You do the job, if you get paid then it's fine. What you're willing to take as a person is another question that only you can answer.
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    @Galrog yeah an IDE would be nice. We can pick an existing editor, make a plugin for it and sell it as an IDE. Makes total sense. I think jetbrains is doing exactly this. Though it's not related because they make good stuff. Our toolkit needs to be utter shit, but the hello world example needs to be absolutely amazing!
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    @mzeffect lets add video support to it. Developers can code and watch shit altogether. Nobody is doing this. This will be the most awesome feature
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    and option to buy pizza. Just click the button. And pizza is delivered. Company will deduct money from your account directly ... TaDa ... no need of otp or PIN
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    @Galrog yep, we just need to achieve enough vendor lock in out of early adopters, then we can charge for support!

    @jalebiBhai I think that's a valid point. Even if they're in the same office, they should use the team tools that we provide.
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    Is it really stable... i just heard about preact recently... @mzeffect
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