
In a pretty bad mood today. Everything annoys me. Nothing enjoyable happened throughout the day. In the evening after a long walk with my fam decided to go to a restaurant. The kind I like [serving food like my mom used to cook in my childhood].

I picked stewed livers to treat myself - smth I really like.

The meal was SO spoiled by the sauce and spices that I could only taste them and none of that livers taste I wanted so much.

The evening got even worse.

I hope you guys had a better Saturday.

  • 4
    What a shame, I mean liver on its own is so tasty, it only needs a sprinkle of pepper and herbs if anything
  • 2
    @possum exactly.

    A pinch of salt and a pickle doesn't hurt either.

    But not that crazy sauce with all this spices' nonsense
  • 5
    Sorry to hear - but liver is really gross lol
  • 3
    @possum liver and onions is divine. Throw in some bacon and eggs on the side too.
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  • 1
    @shovethisrant hmm... gotta take a trip then...
  • 1
    @possum we after yo ass
  • 4
    Its not really gross, but a unique flavor.

    Depends largely on the cook.

    Fermented garlic with it sweet flavor is incredible for that... Plus a farmer and butcher who know what they do.

    Few things I won't eat. Stuff like eyeballs, testicles, penis, brain...

    Liver and heart are a special yummy if done right.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM You're right in not eating the brain since a brain of over 12-month old hoofed animal is a literal hazard. It can cause something as bad as dementia DECADES after it's eaten. Source: my food safety course at a state university.

    Also, sorry but I dislike internal organs of an animal... With maybe the exception of the heart...

    But damn, your situation sucks... Would not be happy in your place either.
  • 0

    One of the reasons I cannot stress enough that industrial animal agriculture is just plain wrong.

    Yes. Meat will be fcking expensive, but exactly coz of things like BSE I'd rather pay a fortune than eat sth that god knows what surprise is in it hidden.

    "The primary source of infection for classical BSE is feed contaminated with the infectious prion agent, such as meat-and-bone meal containing protein derived from rendered infected cattle."


    As in: We fed them shit. The extra cheap shit.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM And the way animals are being ground to feed to animals of the same species... Looking at you, chickens. And how cows are kept perpetually pregnant for the milk etc... As a food technologies person, the food industry disgusts me. Everywhere you have no fucking idea what they sell you as safe and that is a huge violation of human rights in my opinion! Unless you obsessively research in Medscape, Uptodate and such sources and avoid the offending agents, but you shouldn't have to do that. Synthetic dyes are said to be unsafe in food but synthetic aromas are deemed safe in it...
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    If I can tell anything to every single dev on this platform out of the bottom of my heart, it is - eat food carefully! Food is one of the number 1 health boosters if you eat it right right besides physical movement, exercise and such. It can also VERY NEGATIVELY IMPACT YOU if you're eating incorrectly. But 'correct' and 'incorrect' can look different to different people. Main thing is, moderation is key and for the love of everything, please try to reduce sugars in your diet. I promise you it makes a difference.
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