
I am so bored with my job in Devops, I only need a few dirty scripts to run everything...
So much so that I started to search for C++ jobs (going back to my previous background), even though I hate C++.
At least it's going to be more mentally stimulating, they also tend to be paid higher than Devops.

  • 2
    Invent your own language and industry

    With blackjack and hookers
  • 2
    I'll take this deal. Is it remote at least?
  • 0
    Nope, half a week (2-3 days) in the office.

    Also, you 'll be dealing with lots of bureaucracies and more non-tech people than your fellow engineers.

    I will give this job one more year, then I am out.
  • 1
    @cho-uc Ah yea no going and having not much going on is the worst
  • 2
    DevOps is 80% convincing, 20% actual code
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