
How to get upvotes on devrant;
Fuck Microshafts bla bla bla Linux bla bla Arch bla bla iPhone Love

  • 10
    I somehow feel compelled to upvote
  • 3
    You ain't got it
  • 5
    This didn’t work for you.
    There’s an element of the FU Microsoft meme missing 😂
  • 2
    Haven't felt that urge to ++ for a long, long time.
  • 5
    IPhone love? 😷😵
  • 5
    I am also horrified.
  • 1
    Explain yourself!
    Android did not introduce that
  • 2
    I think he's referring to the Essential Phone
  • 2
    I would have thought that Devs would at least know what kind of garbage iPhones are...
  • 1
    Essential phone is made (or was) by a company called "Essential".
    Essential is not android.
  • 2
    People like to differentiate iPhones as iPhones, and all other phones running Android as Android
  • 1
    Does that prove our point that iPeople are sheeps?
  • 1
    That would explain their flawed reasoning
  • 1
    @agentwolf44 @Linux
    I’m a dev, I use a iPhone, what’s wrong with that?

    And don’t lay down the “ it’s customisable “ crap, 3rd party themes and loaders usually look like something 8 year olds mashed together.

    I choose iPhone because it works, it’s stable, and it does everything I need it to do, but it’s a hunk of shit when I need to do mobile testing via proxy routing to connect to virtual machines 😫.
    But then I would have to root an Android based phone anyway to make that easier, so still can’t win.
  • 0
    The tags should be "ewpratten" and "linuxxx"
  • 1
    @linuxxx *obscure Singaporean android off alibaba love.
  • 0
  • 0
    He sold it to Google many years ago. So no, essential is not android
  • 0
    I did not say that lol

    I dont blame apple when other vendors make shitty gadgets to iPhone for for example
  • 0
    If Tim Cook left Apple and made shitty gadgets, I would not blame apple, but I would blame Tim
  • 1
    HAL is not Nintendo.
  • 0
    I only use logic.
  • 0
    I think it's look much better...

    EDIT: Ugh, compression...
  • 0
    All the circled apps can't be used on iPhone, and most of them I use frequently
  • 0
    Hehe , the sad thing about it is that it actually seems to work.
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