
I got job offer from company that makes AI product that works like electric fence for people, tracks their work and report to managers so they know when to meet and talk with this person.

Some Fucking Behavioral Shit. Well I’m tracking this company to see who they got acquired by and at the same time get the fuck out from this smart phone operating system.

Mother fuckers want to know all about everything and everyone.

At this point I saw my face in front of robot being my boss and started to questioning my life. Maybe that’s it.

Maybe it’s just last days, last year, last hour, last minute, last second…

  • 7
    Please state your UUID and place your hands on the desk. Failure to comply will result in castra...erp...termination of genetic privileges.
  • 5
    This is probably why companies rarely tell you what you'd actually be working on 😭
  • 2
    @Demolishun are you being sarcastic and/or abusive ?

    Elevation in heart rate detected. Would you like a pill ?
  • 1
    @vane I can't tell if you are asking me a question or playing along. Heading for the hills to live like a hippy.
  • 2
    @Demolishun It’s from movie Elysium
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