Why does Python get so much hate? It is literally like a Basic programming language. Easy to learn and guaranteed to get a job because of massive demand.

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    To me the most annoying part of py is indentations.

    Next worst thing is 'self'
    Next - pythonisms

    apart from that Pyis a nice language with a huge variety of libraries
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    @netikras the indention's is it's power imo. It's genius.

    Edit: can't get used to your new avatar. Put it back
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    @retoor right.. I forgot that I shaved.

    Will change the hair after the hairdressers catch me
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    Imho Pythons indentation was a wise decision.

    Error reporting has become better.

    If a language comes with a fixed code style, it would be truly a blessing.

    Rust kind of does it.

    The amount of time, nerves and stress put into getting devs to agree to a common code style is ... Maddening.

    Even worse when they want a custom style that needs to be handrolled into linting / formatting. *vomits*

    I'm truly curious to see where Python is going.

    Polars aka Pandas on Rust steroids, the GIL removal, the JIT talks.... It feels like Python will make some interesting evolutions the next years.

    The only worrisome part, where the Python devs cannot agree on, mostly due to lack of manpower, is the packaging.

    But thats a very complex topic, so I can kinda understand the frustration and hard to reach consensus on that topic.
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    @IntrusionCM what's wrong with the packaging? I thought that was one of it strengths. Pypi ftw!
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    Pip is part of the problem.

    There is a lack of concensus and focus on a single utility which should be included / shipped with python.

    I hate PIP. Poetry is my favorite, as virtualenvs are far better. Though most package managers implicitly need to utilize PIP or at least support it.

    Thats the messy part. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

    Another pretty heated discussion has always been around pyproject.toml .

    As there is no stdlib for TOML till 3.11


    I honestly love pyproject.toml . Consolidation is always a good idea.
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    @IntrusionCM pip till I die!
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    @IntrusionCM Regarding py code style, I feel that pain. I've been on the hook for creating project rules and enforcing lint for the last two employers I've worked for.

    Check out "black". It's been around for a while now (I was arguably a late adopter, but I've finally embraced it in the past couple years with a couple/few tweaks).

    After using black (if not to fully reformat, at least as another lint job), I've seen our pydocstyle, pycodestyle, isort, pylint and prospector compliance easily approach 100% across even our most complex projects.
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    @cdrice I don't give a F about that crap. We're writing in super inefficient languages to make it more readable, servers suffering 24/7 but that's not enough, let's sort the imports for the next reader. Ffs. We became crazy
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