Me : "Ok i've to choose carefully my partner for this project. That guy over here seems nice. He did ask a lot of questions to the professor and he never missed a lesson. I should totally ask him to work on this together.

A few later...

Me: "Ok so we don't live near each other, i guess using a control version system like subversion or git can solve this problem."

Him: "Control version system ? What's that ? I've never heard of git or subversion."


  • 2
    You should choose project partner more carefully than your life partner. :D
  • 1
    Teach him git. That person will be eternally be grateful :)
  • 0
    Sad to say that I have no clue what those are either D:
  • 0
    @Permamiss Dude. Just learn about it right away! Its immensely helpful in managing huge projects and I think most companies will assume you know to work with git. Although I didn't learn it formally from some website or anything, maybe this link will be a good start - https://try.github.io/levels/1/...
    Git allows you to manage your project in the sense that you can kind of checkpoint your progress. Say you went down some horrible path and you just want to go back to a time when everything was working just fine. Gits got your back then. The best use is probably that it allows many people to work on the same project with very minimal effort from the users to track the changes made by others.
    Seriously, life will be a lot better. Learn when you have the time.
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