
Devrant is my diary and all of u are just voices in my head talking to myself what to write in my diary

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    Sometimes I think that maybe I'm the only person in this world and all of you are just NPCs whose mission is to make my life more difficult.
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    What would creep you out more, if we agree or if we disagree?
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    well _this_ voice is telling you to go and see medical professionals about your defecation behavior.

    more specifically, a proctologist AND a psychiatrist.
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    If I'm a voice in your head, this is what I would say:
    Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
    Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
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    @cafecortado ur right my thought. Im probably the main character in this simulation
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    @Lensflare ur nothing but a fragment of my own thought so whatever u think doesnt matter cause the majority of weight of other thoughts fragments have determined this to be true
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    @tosensei u as another fragment of my thought is also wrong. Ill listen to my other thoughts instead and continue shitting like a beast
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    @cafecortado @b2plane
    That is called 'being a solipsist'


    Personally I disapprove this point of view due to the complete invalidation of unexpected experiences one might have.
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    @b2plane why are you telling me? I am a fragment of your thoughts, so I already know.
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    Dear diary, today I won a prize!

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    I haven't spoken to you since you stole my lucky USB charger my dad gave me.
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