
Come back home and turn on my computer and what do i see?

Apparently Windows is now a Service...

I'm still not updating though... wonder if this is FCU...

  • 4
    "Pick a time"
    *25 November 2049 @ 00:00 AM*
  • 4
    Sometimes it feels like Windows update is trapped in air tight box and trying it's ass off to get out of there!!
  • 4
    Soon it'll be a subscription-based protection racket.

    Want our updates so you don't lose everything? $3.99/month!
  • 9
    Be a pro user: ignore the pick time function, don't do the update, and in some months when it's forced, complain about the sudden update you could do nothing about!
  • 6
    @CWins I told it to update at 04:00, i wake up, mother fucker hasn't updated because it needs me to fucking confirm it (If i tell you to update at 04:00 when i'm sure i won't need the computer i fucking expect you to update at 04:00)
  • 4
    @CWins well I'm I am already Pro, Windows can't shutdown or restart ever... unless I say it can.

    I guess this is like begging me to restart.

    But the other thing was when did Windows become a service?
  • 1
    "We need your help installing this one"

    Oh if you need my help, then surely you wouldn't just restart and update by yourself out of nowhere! Riiiiight...
  • 0
    I really hope windows figures out updates without a reboot soon. This anti update mindset is a really big security threat.
  • 0
    Isnt a servicesupposed to be as convenient as possible?
  • 0
    @JFK422 ISPs
  • 0
    Yes, Windows became SaaS with Windows 10.
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