
Long time no rant.


How do people who are, I think, supposed to have a knowledge of what the fuck they're doing, keep their work without knowing what the fuck they're doing?
You're telling me that you have been hired as a "full-stack developer", yet you can't build a motherfucking Vue page over SSH (not even talking about automated deployment, just the most bare bones approach)? You don't know how to deploy a Laravel project? You don't know that Linux server paths are case sensitive? You can't read the log files?!


  • 0
    not knowing how to deploy a Laravel project?? Throw him in fucking jail. It's criminal not to know such easy shit holy crap.
  • 3
    That beginRant/commitRant without any kind of try/finally or equivalent, is making me feel all itchy.
  • 4
    Oh no! I’m a full stack developer and don’t know anything about Vue or Laravel! THE SHAME!

    (I’ve worked pretty exclusively in React/TypeScript/Node/Mongo)
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    @AmyShackles yeah, but it hits different if you WORKED WITH THOSE FOR 5 DAMN MONTHS.
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    @athlon Fair ❤️
  • 4
    had a guy with 12 years of java experience ask me how do you get the length of an array in java

    I don't know what's going on
  • 2
    @jestdotty this sounds vaguely familiar, maybe he was using other ways of iteration like foreach where you don’t need the length (I don’t code Java but I could’ve sworn I’ve seen shit like that in that language). I’m hoping that’s the case and he hasn’t used it in a while, then again it would be top of the search results and he wouldn’t need to expose his laziness or lack of knowledge of something basic if he took the time to google lol
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    @TeachMeCode yeah I proceeded to teach him how to Google and solve his own problems for the next 6 months...

    when I began that I watched, like watching a car crash, him go to a website to download a soundcard driver and instead get a virus. I didn't even know how to explain to someone how obvious that was... (we had antivirus software on all the laptops so I knew he'd be fine just FYI)
    I was just stunned
    like I literally couldn't figure out and articulate why it's obvious to me that was going to be a virus to be able to teach him
    so I just froze lmao

    I made sense of it by thinking they must've left him in a closet for 12 years or something. he went from a big corp to basically a startup-sized company, and in a big corp you're not allowed to do anything and in startups you need to be an expert in everything, so probably why the discrepancy
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    @jestdotty well it’s a good thing alot of what I did was at startups or greenfield stuff at non startups bc there you git gud or git out
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    I mean.. knowing how to handle filesystems, how tunnels, vpns, networks & os in general works and how to lookup and read documentation for deployment best practices and CI/CD is sorta just expected from a web developer role. At least that’s been my experience.

    You’re basically expected to know everything in relative proximity to your work to qualify for a junior or intermediate.
    Knowing how to communicate with clients, mentor and teach devs with less experience is what yields senior level. Oh and have enough discipline to not get bored during endless meetings.
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