I never even noticed this thing but it's handy xD

  • 15
    This is a god send when dealing with css.
  • 8
    How i learned difference between margin and padding
  • 2
    Save it and never use it...
  • 2
    Firefox recently added a layout tab, which shows this and some other useful information as well.

    Also, CSS grid layout.
  • 3
    This has always been my favorite tool when dealing with CSS unless you can't figure out why the element shows padding but the graph does not xD
  • 2
    It's like someone just discovered my secret and now everyone will be able to use css as I do. I'm feeling uncomfortable. Please keep the word
  • 1
    I think it was somewhere around version 54, not completely sure, but it was a "recent" version.
  • 0
    Can someone explain this. I've seen it but the web world is undiscovered to me
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