Aws or azure or Google cloud for big data stuff?

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    Azure can be quite fiddly to get started with.

    I have some scripts to get servers setup on both platforms - not commented at all, but maybe useful.
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    AWS is easier than azure, at least for SQL.
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    No clue about AWS, but GCP is very easy to use in comparison to Azure and quite cheap.

    I have to do some Azure stuff at work and my colleague is using their API and it's somewhat of a pain.
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    AWS for me.
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    Gcloud is awesome. Their api is good too
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    How big is that data? My previous boss once spent a huge amount of money to travel to the US for Microsoft build (because you apparently can't watch it online..) and he heard "big data". So after that, we needed to build big data stuff because we had such big data. Like 5 gigs, combined.
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