Dad thinks i sleep all day and always tells me to get a job.
Mom doesn't know nothing about what i do
Wife thinks I'm talking to other women and have a fucking magic money tree when bills need to be paid.
Wife's grandparents think I'm a lazy piece of shit but ask me to fix their fucking tvs.
Mother-in-law: knows i make money working on the computer but not how.

  • 7
    So normal
    Our family always think that we don't do anything than stay in front of a computer every day for nothing
  • 7
    @ChristoPy yep and every one of us has a magic fucking money tree that we don't want to tell anyone about
  • 6
    Wife thinks you're a gigolo with online bookings and is still married to you?
  • 3
    @irene yeah i know. It really gets on my damn nerves.
  • 4
    @darkcode haha no. i stay up late to take extra work then she accuses me of talking to other women. Then i go pull the extra money from my bank account to pay bills and she shuts up till the next time i have to do it. Sad thing is that i usually have to do it cause of her bills so in a way i wish she would. It would atleast break the circle dependency
  • 3
    @irene I'm not sure haha. I was playing pool to supliment my income before i meet her. So i really don't know why she started that shit after we got married. Guess it was cause she wasn't around me at night so she didn't see that i was on my computer all the time
  • 2
  • 3
    Saddest story I've heard all month. Here's some ++.
  • 2
    I find it very interesting that mother in law is more aware of what u do than ur wife...
    Shudnt that b other way around? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Sorry for u though... y don’t u gather everyone and make em understand once and for all 😁
  • 3
    @Electrux my wife was very sheltered and her mother has lived in alot of places so she probably seen other people do what i do.
  • 2
    @PerfectAsshole ah... ok that makes sense... πŸ€—πŸ€— thanks ✌🏻
  • 2
    @Electrux glad it makes sense to you cause i don't understand it myself
  • 1
    @PerfectAsshole lol
    I guess a sheltered person won’t understand much about things they haven’t seen? They r kinda enclosed in their own world πŸ™‚
  • 1
    Your avatar sort of represents you atm. Hiding your pain behind those glasses let it out...
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