
They know exactly what I do, both my parents and my sister.

Then again, they use Linux as main system although they're very a-technical ;)

  • 8
    I'm jealous!
  • 2
    Man I tried installing linux and teaching them but had to install Windows back again cause "it's so much better"
  • 13
    @justasithlord I explained them that I don't know windows well so if they'd like me to help out sometime they'd have to use Linux.

    "As long as it works, we don't care what we use" - 7 years later without any problems still on Linux!
  • 2
    @linuxxx amazing, I think I'm gonna try this :)
  • 4
    I would consider Linux even better for non-technical users. Just install Ubuntu and everything basically explains itself.
    The only two reasons why I don't use it are: 1. I want to customise very much, which Windows+Regedit allows, but also I don't want to spend all that time changing the OS code for my needs and compiling it myself. 2. A lot of programs are either only written for Windows, have install instructions that don't work or are just outdated/only work for other versions/not at all.
    But if you only need basic programs, you can get them. And if you don't want to customise everything, Linux, mainly Ubuntu, is great.
  • 3
    @Fabian The first time I hear that Windows is more customizae than Linux.
    Gnome has kinda of a regedit too. It's called gPrefsgProps or something similar (I don't know much about customisation with Gnome DEs).
    For the rest: ~/.config/ and ~/.programName(/) are your regedit.

    I personally never had the need to recompile a program myself only for more customizability.
    And if you reall need to use PPAs (Debian based) or the AUR (Arch Linux based). There probably is somebody who already did this for you.


    I don't want to offend somebody. Just highlight that Linux can be cool without the Regedit.
    If you still can't switch because of necessary programs, which can't be run in Wine or VirtualBox, or you simply don't have the time for it, I'm sorry for wasting your time. 😉

    The Linux community dossn't always has to be agressive with their opinion. 😄
  • 1
    There are multiple programs that I need and that don't run under Wine, already tried. :(
  • 1
    And even a simple thing like an autoclicker I wasn't able to get. With Wine, a Windows scripting program was able to move my mouse, but not click. For Linux itself I found nothing like TinyTask or an autoclicker. Actually, I found a lot, but I couldn't install any of it.
  • 1
    @linuxxx But don't your parents need to use office for work?
  • 3
    @Jifuna Yeah...libreoffice? Works great for them.
  • 1
    @Fabian I had that too. The problem is that Wine limits acess to things such as the mouse & kb. I used GlovePIE before moving to linux. Outside of its own Window it couldn't do anything.
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