
Im not doing absolutely fucking anything as a DEVOPS ENGINEER other than dming 1000s of people to fix 1000s of fucking services and emailing other teams to enable monitoring tools its almost like im a fucking manager just telling everyone else to do the job for me since for every fucking step i dont have permissions and need to chat and wait for 1000s of people to approve im so fucking frustrated working this bullshit for 8$ an hour learning absolutely nothing useful and not progresssing

  • 3
    At least the coprophilia seems to be reducing.
  • 0
    @donkulator its gonna get a lot worse if this keeps going
  • 0
    @jestdotty im getting emailed
  • 0

    Be like this guy:


    Serious question: Do you think some jobs are beneath you?

    I was asked to do a spread sheet for someone in the mornings when I was an electronics tech. It was the most boring ass bullshit. I spent 2 hours redoing the spreadsheet to automate things. Took a 30 minute job to 5 minutes. The "engineer" who created the sheet was amazed and thanked me.

    It seems like to me devops might be one of those jobs you could automate parts of. I dunno, never done devops.
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