
India and China.

1.4 billions of people each.

Massive overpopulation on top of being inferior race. Every major you visit, there is a fucking China town.

We as humans not only needed Hitler, but needed multiple Hitlers in multiple continents. Think about it.

  • 2
    WTF! Fucking ignorant racist clown. Crawl back in your hole!
  • 1
    @jestdotty I thought the fake Jews were actually trying to kill off the real Semites via Hitler as well. Like they want to kill off anyone related to David, because Christ came from David's line. I know the creation of the modern Israeli state was part of this. Anakanazis (fake Jews)?
  • 0
    and here you are again, after promising multiple times to be less of a racist asshole.


    i'd say "follow your führer", but it'd be a waste of a bullet.
  • 0
    @tosensei It's not racism.
  • 0
    @kanyewest it literally is. idiot.

    to quote your own rant: "on top of being inferior race"

    that is the motherfucking textbook definition of racism.
  • 0

    This just factual information based on data.
  • 0
    @kanyewest You are condoning genocide based on race! (your last opinion paragraph).That is fucking racism! What I don’t understand is why people in here (apart from @tosensei ) are not fucking appalled as we are by this.
  • 0
    @helloworld why are you not apalled by Palestine?

    Why were you not apalled by Americans killing Native Indians?

    Why were you not apalled by Aussies killing Aboriginals?

    Why are you not apalled by Chinese killing and supressing Tibetans?

    Kingdoms are built this way.

    If you want human race to survive and not go extinct due to overpopulation by two country consisting of literal rats. Then I don't know what's wrong with you.
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    @kanyewest I am appalled because I do not condone genocide. The solution to these issues is not extinction. You imbecile!
  • 0
    @helloworld there is another way, without genocide. Which is already done. Hello Vaccines. Thank fuck they're going to get reduced now. Matter of time.
  • 0
    @kanyewest "there is another way, without genocide, namely [insert methbrain-born conspiracy theory about HOW genocide could be done]"

    dude, do something for your own "race" and remove yourself from the gene pool.

    or rather gene puddle. it's doubtful one could be as dense as you are while having more than 2 great-grandparents in total.
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    @Demolishun iirc some bible somewhere said beware of the fake Jews not once but twice lol

    they're just hiding behind a group

    like for example George Soros wasn't even Jewish, yet mentioning his name suddenly makes you an anti-semite

    man I could retrieve some disturbing videos of Israelis being anti-semite. since semites, you know, include the Arabs, but I guess we've washed that away from the word now
  • 1
    @jestdotty you _do_ know there is a _massive_ distinction between "making a whole PEOPLE disappear (due to them being 'inferior')" and "suggesting that one INDIVIDUAL should better not pass on their genes"?

    you do know that two terms are not necessarily the same just because they share a common root?

    also, do you have scientific proof that "you got 'The Vaccine'" and "you feel like shit" are actually causally related and not just correlated? what - you don't, and it's all just one singular piece of anecdotal "evidence"? well, to that i counter _my_ piece of "all the vaccinated people i know feel great"
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    @jestdotty or instead you could provide an actual answer to at least one of my questions.
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    @jestdotty the fuck are you smoking?
  • 1
    @tosensei I would like to say everyone on devRant are just developers, normal people coding and living. Not racists, or murderers, or government officials, or the men in black running the world behind the scenes.

    Anything racist or mean, it's just banter at the end of the day. I think everyone would be nice to each other if we met in real life.

    Therefore, it's important to have open discussions about everything. I've talked to my German friend recently; He said the "jew" subject is extremely taboo in Germany. So, I do understand your perspective.

    But just because your society says it's taboo, and just because mainstream media has a narrative it doesn't mean anything that goes against the narritive is "conspiracy theory" or "methbrained".

    You're a literal sheep who doesn't have the balls to even question about anything. Adolph Hitler didn't decide to kill Jews when he woke up one day. There is a very good reason behind everything. World is not black and white.
  • 0
    @kanyewest dude, i question everything, and i give a fuck about any taboos.

    except that you're a racist, because you repeatedly admit so. and if you call some of the shit you're spouting out of your mouthhole "banter", then a literal hammer to your literal face would be banter as well.

    also: no, it is not important to have discussions about "maybe it'd be a good choice to remove a whole people from the planet". because with a mindset like this, you only qualify as human being because you're a homo sapiens.

    by the way: i didn't say - or even imply - that "anything that goes against mainstream media is methbrained"... just the specific crap you said.

    and maybe get your basic facts straight before attempting any conversation in the future - you can't even spell "Adolf" correctly.
  • 0
    @tosensei if you point your finger and focus on someone being "racist" instead of thinking about the topic, then you're just like the Jews.

    When someone points out a fact they keep screaming "Antisemite". Like seriously lol.
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  • 0
    @jestdotty "it's a pretty rapist perspective to tell other people they are not allowed to dislike something"

    i believe you misspelled "racist", but it doesn't matter since either way, that's a very bonkers perspective.

    "you literally espoused murder of an individual" - no. at no point, neither directly, nor indirectly. you have to either hallucinate very much or have a seriously lacking grasp of the english language to come to this conclusion. probably both.

    also: i didn't tell anyone they are not allowed to dislike something. i just said that you gotta be a pretty petty excuse for a human being for doing so.

    or - am _i_ not allowed to dislike something, just because it is something that you happen to like?

    double standard much?
  • 0
    @jestdotty okay, thank you for finally and undoubtedly proving my previous hypothesis that you are so far removed from logic that any attempt at redemption is doomed to fail from the start, and that your opinion can be safely ignored as "batshit insane to the max".

    by the way: i never at any point said - or implied - that anyone had to like anyone or anything. that part is, once again, a result of your hallucinations and/or lack of understanding of basic english.
  • 1
    @jestdotty the video was interesting. I didn't know they tried to murder the people in Zimbabwe.
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