
Do you trust github/gitlab/bitbucket? If you self-host, do you trust your hosting? do you trust gitea? if you don't use gitea, do you trust git? do you trust the way you got your copy of git? do you trust your os, as it might have tampered with your git? did you read the code? do you trust your internet connection that might have changed some packets? do you trust your https implementation? did you examine the traffic? do you trust your traffic sniffing tool? if you use your own hardware, do you trust it? do you trust its CPU/bios? if it's risk-v, do you trust chinese vendors of your cpu? they might have put some backdoors there. do you trust your other hardware? okay, you have the money to make your own cpus. do you trust your employees? do you trust your silicon? do you trust the measuring equipment you used to check if your cpu is safe? do you trust the literature in the field? but did you verify it though? did you?

it's always who you trust. if you want to bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.

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    A Ken Thompson worm would pretty much require AGI to identify its context and decide the best course of action necessary to hide itself.
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    @kanyewest if you never ever go online afterwards, then yes. If you will, spyware data that was still being collected will be sent all at once
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    @fruitfcker I would never ever touch that disgusting thing you call by name
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    I trust everyone of those to steal and use my data how they please.
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    Funny how you mentioned "apple" and "silicon", yet never questioned whether you should trust apple silicon... Yeah, I forgot, Apple never does anything dastardly. 😜
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    @CoreFusionX I fail to see why Intel or AMD would be any more trustworthy. You just can't trust a computer. And if you can't trust a computer, you can't trust future computers either because it's practically impossible to make one without using one.
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    You also seem to have failed to notice the very obvious jab that wasn't serious to begin with.
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