
mood rn

  • 5
    oh wait that's a dildo she's throwing

    I just liked her face

    also she's blond like me where my eyebrows cease to exist and one Asian chick said I look like a neanderthal cuz of the weird skull shape instead of eyebrows thing going on so then I really started to like my unamused face, tehe
  • 2
    @jestdotty blonde eyebrows weird me out a bit. Up close it looks fine. From a distance it looks odd.
  • 0
    @jestdotty was she being racist? Doesn't she know that white women are significantly more attractive than Japanese and Chinese? Them Taiwanese chicks got it going... But I am a bit biased.
  • 2
    The only attractive aspects to that pic are the flowers and the lush greenery behind up the hill.
  • 1

    Chinese and Japanese ain't bad either.

    I mean, it might just be me, but they turn me on more than "white" girls (which I don't know why they wouldn't fit in "white" but okay).

    I guess we are all attracted to the "exotic".
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