
I dont lie when i say nextjs is the Biggest Piece Of FUcking Trash Framework

  • 6
    @black-kite you called it, here we go again
  • 0
    @possum steps to reproduce:
    1. npm run dev
  • 4
    @possum it’s only been two days 😭
  • 3
    i'd say "you lost all your credibility with this".

    if you hadn't been yapping on about your imaginary "hot blonde gf" all the time.

    but yeah - maybe put a leash on your excitement, it will dampen the inevitably following disappointment.
  • 1
    It makes sense again.

    @b2plane stop having skill issues. That's how I would fix it.
  • 2
    @tosensei I subconsciously read that as "put a leash on your excrement" because opening up a b2plane post had primed my brain to expect something shit-related.
  • 1
    @donkulator the alleged size of them, he's probably legally obliged to put them on a leash *nods
  • 0
    @lungdart @donkulator @tosensei @black-kite @possum i found the bug to this bs. I needed to include use client at the top of logo component. Ridiculous

    Apparently i got lots of components nested within each other and they were mixed up between server and client components

    This is what i learned the hard way

    ✅ server -> server
    ✅ server -> client
    ✅ client -> client

    ❌ client -> server

    Server components can nest as many server components as possible. But once they nest client components that component can not nest a server component ever anymore

    This somehow caused an infinite UI loop hitting my cpu scream at 600%
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