
I dont understand how am i not fired. I literally dont know how to do shit in this legacy 30 year old junkyard code. I am literally alone working on this project on a giant codebase and have no one for help. The project is burning on fire and scrum master is talking shit for breaking deadlines and i cant do anything about it. Why dont they just fucking fire me that would be such a huge relief bro

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    why don't you just quit then?

    probably because you like whining about your job.
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    @b2plane but.. if they fire you, you won't get any money, either. you understand this?
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    Because they know the codebase is a trash fire and are happy to have anyone put up with it?
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    @tosensei milking them till the last drop
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    @saucyatom the last 2 guys who were working on this 30 year old codebase, and who im replacing, literally ran away from this firehole project
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    @b2plane so you do indeed _not_ want them to fire you.
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    Because they can't hire anyone else?
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    They like to see you suffering
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    @tosensei i do want them to fire me, because i wouldnt give a fuck + I'd feel like i just finished my 137 year old prison sentence and now im finally free in the open world
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    @b2plane so you do not want to continue working there.

    but are unwilling to take the step that would make it so that you aren't working there anymore.

    instead, you hope for THEM to make it so that you aren't working there anymore, AND get a bad reference for doing a bad job...

    ya got issues, buddy.
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    @tosensei what bad reference r u talking about who gives a shit about that
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    @b2plane the bad reference your current employer will give after you being fired, if your next potential employer is contacting them to learn about you.

    that is, if you list them as a reference, instead of leaving a gap in your CV, which will decrease your chances for future employment.

    quitting is better for you than getting yourself fired. and not just because it's "your own action helping you out of a situation in which you are clearly unhappy"
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    Don't lose your 3rd toilet 😞
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    @tosensei they dont have the right to ask how i was working its a violation of my privacy and the same thing as if i were to ask their ex-employees how much the current job im applying to paid them
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    @jestdotty my current job wanted to talk to previous employer. Not sure what difference it made though.
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    @jestdotty im still getting contractor raise but after 1st april
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    @jestdotty of course, your personal, singular experience totally means that the shitty, but established reality that simply _does_ happen in most cases is completely and utterly wrong. because everybody know, anecdotal evidence beats statistics and industry practices.

    also for your story to actually imply any kind of causality, you'd need to have recruiters thinking "boy, i'm gonna look for some who recently got booted from their job, they'll be a GREAT worker"
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    @b2plane oh the irony.
    At least this post, specifically by you, means there's a miniscule amount more that's right in the world...

    Just to clarify, you having any job (what you whine about not having the majority of the time), yet being pissed cuz it's legacy, which is very foreign and frustrating to you. yet you have, way more than im willing to look at/count, posts about how you know/learn everything and it's never enough cuz new shit keeps coming out.
    (3rd party onlookers: don't worry, I fully realise it's unlikely he, or most people, actually know what irony is... im not that overworked, yet)

    Btw, b2plane, this is why legacy dinosaurs like me tend to have consistent options for employment.

    "Like me" ‐ knowing(often preferring/using when applicable) the old code/systems/methods that the, increasingly worrisome, tech/frameworks/gui-based 'programing'(pseudo dev bs) is built on.

    Think ancient Egyptian pyramid, & a randomiser script playing jenga w/those precise large blocks.
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    Now realise, in this case, the pyramid is upside-down. It's still amazingly great/sound engineering and stable... just wont survive past a few lower blocks being removed.

    It'll happen eventually if people keep only learning the tech that's on top of tech, on tech... etc

    I just hope, of the numerous sources currently calling out to the 4 horsemen, like opinions weighted higher than fact, general ignorance, politically supported obesity and anxiety of failing __main__ or really and plausibly productive verb...modus operandi of willful ignorance , etc., the ignorance of underlying tech architectures wins the race... im handicapped, autistic, often annoying, moderately: misanthropic, iconoclastic, low tolerance of stupidity, expensive on resources...etc.
    Yet, in apocalyptic implosion from only surface knowledge of tech... more valuable than US debt to china.
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    @awesomeest I wonder about this tech pyramid a bit too. I am hearing on forums that even colleges/colleagues might be telling people C++ is old don't learn that. Or it is too complicated. What kind of place shy away from what is hard? If you learn the hard, the other stuff is a piece of cake. Which is fascinating as there is a lot of stuff dependent upon that skill set. Who is going to maintain all the tooling, kernels, compilers?
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    To clear it up...

    WARNING: Anyone w/a weak constitution/in a protective thin, glass-like bubble STOP reading

    After the light bulb...
    -The on/off switch
    -Arrays of switches
    -Eureka moment: conditional switches
    -Wide/most dumb/impractical and/or explosive search for new application
    -1890 us gov/hollerith prove orwell's fears w/auto census punch cards
    -1936 Turing invents a machine
    Basically changeable logical switches that'd later be bastardised via ignorant AI discussions cuz __math__. But valid as future components & cryptography
    -1938 Konrad Zuse and his adv creativity = Z1, (then Z2 and...surprise! Z3!)
    +starts the modern pandemic, adults living w/parents cuz 'but! I'm doing __tech__!'
    -1945 EINAC underrated by the masses
    -1951 usa census strikes again(univac) &crams tons into the year incl ofc, military contracts >> SAGE
    -1955 USA ofc contracts Philco >> SOLO 1st gen use transistor based
    -1956 IBMs
    -1957 fortran!
    -1966 texas instruments remembers pascal existed
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    Ver 2 (basically the other big shit that happened but people/companies sometimes selectively leave out)

    ....a bit before IBM and Z1 through Z3...

    Transistors and a bunch of other seemingly sci-fi at the time, proved to be real and there was a scramble for resources and factories to make all the new shiny, confusing to most, tech *stuff*.

    Lots of money exchanged hands and universities started making space (physical and budget) to encourage 'whatever this was'.

    During the rat race, trying to catch up on the latest tech ongoings...

    'intellectuals' start realising they should pick up a dmn history book cuz Babbage, that crazy wizard who was initially(~1820) french funded(ofc we know france tends to preemptively quit) envisioned a steam powered computer...40yrs+ with detailed notes of to be invented, necessary components all clearly documented.
    -1910 his kid finished a bit that did calculate.
    -1991 product of someone deciding to actually look at/build it.
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    @b2plane references matter... part of why i dont have a decent job. In white collar adult world, references can (normally are) the difference between 'sorry we need 8yrs exp not 7, bye' and '8yrs? No that must've been a typo HR made. Youve worked in this field without a degree for over a year, you're clearly a goos fit'
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    @b2plane dude... youre sooo ignorant if you believe that crap you said about the right to know.... etc

    Even if that was true... soooo many existing/actively used ways around that.
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    @jestdotty connecting to references is one of the very few typical hiring practices i approve of/have used several times.
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    @jestdotty oh, there's also basic rumours and talking with similar and/or adjacent industries about bs... think like this:
    If you ordered a pizza (like before doordash) and were totally naked and/or did some nonsense like only meow at them... u think they wouldn't tell everyone at that pizza place, their friends... their friend telling their friend who used to be a pizza dude... and has a pizza restaurant owner friend? Etc... if someone is exceptionally good, bad and/or weird... it's novelty to bring it up... worse, in things like b2plane's case, it'll likely be exaggerated cuz normally shit is boring
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    @awesomeest i dont give a shit if code is difficult or frustrating to understand i give a shit when im studying a caveman code from the age of dinosaurs cz i cant learn or progress shit from here
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    @Demolishun here's a great example of, at this rate, inevitable pyramid implosion.

    Get a piece of graph paper, count the squares vertical and horizontal, or draw a large box to some amount u feel is good/lucky/logical/whatever... but use most of the page.

    Now get another piece of paper, any type, just a scrap is fine. Using the latin alphabet, and/or numbers write down a few short (3-5char) strings.

    Now, pick any fs you like/know/whatever the most, mac, windows, linux, DOS (my favourite), multi-OS, whatever.

    Now, assuming those strings are complete file names, totally empty files nothing special, just created in the order you wrote them... for simplicity/brevity, they don't even have a metadata param.

    Ok the graph paper is an original flash drive... when u had to actually install drivers on computer directly, all 0s. (Or any basic af storage dev)

    Goal= write those files to the paper storage, any encoding/whatever u want as long as its real.

    Rec # of hrs it took, w/internet
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    @b2plane dude... youre so wrong. The caveman shit is a foundation (there are a few totally useless things though)... china has taken most of my mental stamina for neurotypics and/or morons so this is the best i got right now...

    A parade float.
    Bright colours, giant moving components of some mascot bear 2 people dressed up standing on it while it slowly moves along...

    The way you view progression is like adding more shiny elements to the float...so now there's 4 people in costume on it, the bear now has moving eyes with built in cameras, and he fires a confetti and candy canon.
    To do this you had to pull some extra electricity for the mechanisms, make the little platform where 2 people stood bigger for 4... you made it more advanced.

    Now the float is part of a parade for athletics for a day like every year.
    The 2, now 4 person platform gets body builders and sumo wrestlers, the arm you rigged the canon in, as initially designed, holds a big gold cup trophy.

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    A.) Now the bear's head still turns the same range, but in seemingly random intervals and speeds.

    B.) The trophy cup is starting to look like its pouring something out.

    C.) The float seems like it's moving differently. Speed is normal. The only odd thing you can identify is that its frequently more towards the right side of the path, stil same speed and consistent direction.

    Debug each of those. Answer WHY? For each
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    @awesomeest i aint readin allat
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    @b2plane and now you've fully demonstrated my point.
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    @awesomeest sounds like file tetris
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    @Demolishun not really. People assume so though. If youve ever done some specific manual partitioning... youd notice that partitions are in a specific order. Just because u have 100gb free on a drive doesnt mean u can make a 100gb partition or even 40gb... certainly doesnt mean itd be at the end of the drive. Its linear. Indexing and page tables (used appropriately) can reduce the stress/increase the r/w speeds but anything not in RAM needs to be found... without decent indexing and/or paging...or some custom methods, that means searching the disk, in order, every file u want. The filesystems help to gauge where things will be. That spinning a hdd does, it makes it akin to one of those arcade games where u have fast lights in a circle and u win if you press the button for the specific light fast enough... but like 72k rpm...so u wanna aim for close before, cuz after means u lose try again.
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    Btw... fragmentation of files, thats from the hidden, linear, tetris, that's happening whenever u modify, create or move files... eventually the system starts using the too small, blocks of free space to store something in pieces... win defrag is a poor joke, auslogics defrag(free one) is valid.

    Defrag regularly
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