Just in case you are looking for real inspiration


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    For inspiration mate, just take a deep look
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    oh damn... I got curious on "krötenleder", thanks to @Alice and the fact that i don't speak a word of that language. So I clicked.... I've shouldn't have done that
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    @ThatDude didn't mean to hurt you buddy :(
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    @Alice Google translation says : toad leather

    Is that correct ?
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    Well to be honest the 90s pages don't even look ugly. They are just fucking simple: doesn't take hours to load, doesn't use too much mobile internet. And I personally have got a fetish when it comes to old looking websites.

    But EEEWW. The pages that look like 90s pages made with tables but the also have got like 4k images of beaches and shit not even sampled down a little. Guys I think I just got AIDS
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    @ThatDude How can you still write comments without seeing a thing ?
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    At the end of the semester my web dev teacher showed us a bunch of examples of what not to do, and I've never forgotten lingscars.com 😡
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    @timourf damn... It's almost artistic πŸ€”
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    @Totchinuko it takes a special kind of bad taste πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
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    @timourf I laughed so hard on the animated head tho. 10 minutes later, I still giggle, thinking about it.
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    @timourf it's pretty fast to load tho!
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    Will Typeracer you one day
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