
Applied for a company and received a contract today. I can't believe what I'm looking at. (Graduate software engineer)

- £30k starting salary
- 28 days annual holiday
- no benefits whatsoever
- no work schemes
- reserve the right to tell you to work overtime without extra pay
- reserve the right to work you from home on weekends in emergencies
- you will only work on what they tell you to and nothing else

This company has awful reviews all over the internet which I didn't see until after applying.

Going into their offices for interviews, all I saw was a bunch of slaves on their screens, no one talking, no one smiling.

Spoke to the CTO whose words were, quote: "we only care about making money, we don't care what people are saying about us as long as they are using our service and paying us."

What the actual fuck?

  • 2
    I'm surprised they hired anyone with that 🤔
  • 7
    At least the CTO is honest.

    Do you desperately need the job or can you afford to search for something better.
  • 0
    if you as a company don't listen and care what custommers say and want you'll be bankrupt pretty soon.
  • 3
    I received an offer from a place like that. They wanted to start me way below industry average and wanted me to "take ownership" of client projects meaning working 60+ hours a week.

    I ran.

    You should too.
  • 0
    @CWins I have a lot better offers from other companies, so I'm no in a bad spot but that was one hell of an experience.
  • 0
    Wtf though. 28 Days holiday is “bad” at a euro company and would be a godsend, almost worth all the other bullshit, here in the US
  • 0
    Well, there's a company like that -_-
  • 1
    @jeeper Americans get a crazy low amount of vacation.
  • 0
    The salary is still decent right? Not great but average?
  • 0
    @LouisPython salary is very good but the rest is very bad. When it comes down to a job you can't simply go for the paycheck unless you're desperate. It's very important to be treated like a normal human being and have a good work-life balance, if the place of work doesn't offer this basic right then I find it hard to see any benefits in just following the salary.
  • 0
    @px06 I am curious what a good amount of vacation would be in the UK though. 28 is quite a lot, or are those working days or the weekends count too? Like 4 weeks or almost 6?
  • 0
    @px06 I agree. I was just curious about your opinion of the salary.
  • 0
    @codePatrol no these are only work days so week days but it's important to note that this is overall days off. This is including compulsory holidays like bank holidays in the UK and Christmas, Easter and new year's days. After factoring those compulsory days out it comes down to about 20-23 days. Decent but it's not a big deal because most companies offer the same amount.
  • 0
    @px06 I think I get right about that many here in the US. Its a lot of vacation, I can't seem to ever get around to using all of mine.
  • 0
    @codePatrol us devs don't like taking breaks. I think it's in our nature.
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