And here I am... Trying to do this again, just out of curiosity. I must like inflicting pain on myself because it's the 4th time I try to do that. Every time I tell myself it could be some valuable experience, but everytime, I give up in the middle because I have trouble focusing on that thing.... Oh well, maybe this time it will be the right one.
Arch︵ /(.□. \)<-me

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    @Bitwise no its not that really, after a while that weird brain of mine just convince himself that he does have the time or the skill to take on that and just want to move on. But if I do have questions, I'll shoot. If I get courageous enough to do so.
    Thanks 😄
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    @Bitwise oh and the motherboard is too old to have an efi boot.
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    Let us know if you encounter any problems
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    @dontPanic well I just finished to install the base system. Everything seems to work properly. Right now I'm reading the wiki to learn more about how to handle my system properly. The amount of information kind of overwhelming x). But so far everything work
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    @Totchinuko did you manage to install a desktop environment?
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    @Totchinuko nice job, mate! Best of luck on your new journey
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    @Gnu-Not-Unix not yet, I've been through a lot of doc so far to understand as much as possible how everything work. But I'm getting there slowly =)

    @dontPanic I must say, it's far far more satisfying to install myself a linux distro and understanding every process of it, than just running an installer, and doing nothing. tho it's slower for me, I hope I'll get better at it :p
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    @Gnu-Not-Unix In fact I'm not sure what desktop are available on arch 🤔
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    @Totchinuko Pretty much all of them lol
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    What about just using an installer? Is it easier? Or should I install Arch manually?
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    @MrMeeseeks now it's going to be hard to choose 🤔
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    well after a (lot) of exploring, I went back to kde plasma with the lowest amount of packages possible. Also using manual startx because I don't need a graphic session all the time.
    Still have a lot to do...
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