
I’m new to coding. I decided to pick JavaScript to learn how to code. For a while I was confused as I couldn’t grasp the fact that jQuery wasn’t a language of its own even though multiple people on devRant told me it wasn’t (or was?)
Anyway thanks for baring with me. I’ve decided to drop jQuery. It seems kind of outdated even though a new version of the library was added quite recently.
I’m now delving into ReactJs. Some people say it’s a framework, others say it isn’t. Again one of those confusing debates which is beyond me. Anyways I’m amazed at how easily I can get a basic web page up and running with React. So far I’ve only managed to launch an application using the create-react-app command in the command box. Oh and I’ve also been able to add a button to the html with a counter increment.
Fun times ahead!

  • 4
    Keep going, and have fun!
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    React is a front end framework, I don’t think there’s much debate there
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    @AlgoRythm I think most people would call it a library. Not that it really matters how you call it.
  • 7
    good luck mate. React costed me six years of my life before I realized it was fundamentally flawed. I now use vanilla JS for everything, and I couldn't be happier
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    @koes every framework is a library, but not every library is a framework. Strange debate imo
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    @kiki I wonder how many years it will take for you to realize that JS is fundamentally flawed 😆
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    Ah, the joys of learning to code from the very beginning. I have fond memories of that time! And I envy you a little.
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    @Lensflare we're stuck with it on the frontend (wasm is out bc no DOM access), so it doesn't matter. If you want to do frontend, you have to use JS. Also, JS has precedent in doing complex things — Look at Google Maps. React doesn't have that. There is no proof you even can do really complex things with react.
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    @kiki Well, you were talking about things being fundamentally flawed. Having no other choice doesn‘t change that.
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    @Lensflare JS is not fundamentally flawed.
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    @kiki maybe you will realize in a few years ;)
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    I'm genuinely happy you found something that amazes you.

    I've tried react, but nowadays, similar to Kiki, I've switched back to vanilla JS/CSS/HTML without fancy stuff.
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    @kiki I’ve been so hesitant. With react I thought I had finally made a good choice, and now you’re telling me it’s flawed! how is react flawed? 😥
    It seems to be working fine for me??

    The problem with using plain JavaScript is that you have to write document.getElementById a bunch of times whereas with react the html is right there in the same file as the JavaScript. It’s so cool
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    @fumey because react insists ui elements hierarchy and data flow hierarchy are the same thing, while on the web they’re not — there is no data flow hierarchy on the web. You fetch data and modify it in place. Also, react plays with pseudo pure functions while web is inherently stateful. My vanilla js using querySelectors all over the place is faster than anything I’ve ever seen written in react
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    @fumey this is the sugar I use:
    const qs = (sel, root = document) => root.querySelector(sel)
    const wire = (sel, value, root = document) => qs(sel, root).innerText = value

    Those two make up a huge chunk of my frontend code
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