
One of my parents likely has cancer (waiting for results to confirm), my work is currently cutting benefits, I am reaching a new level of burnout where my voice just cracks during meetings and I have terrible sore throat afterwards and the only project I was looking forward to, is deprioritized due to company doing bs (so much bs that there’s a team that expects progress even though it has been officially deprioritized). And don’t ask me about the junior, I don’t even have energy anymore to rant.

People ask me how am I, and I’m wondering how much more shit needs to happen before it’s acceptable to reply “I’m regretfully sober”

  • 0
    @kanyewest indeed, but that doesn’t make it less shitty.
  • 5
    that sucks..

    I'd say, take a long-ish vacation (2+wk?), have a good rest from your work. Once you're back, if the project is already tits up, you'll have the energy to search for a new job. And if it's not -- you'll have the energy to cope with it OR to search for a new job.
  • 0
    where do you live?
  • 3
    Repeat after me: It's not worth it, man. I have one life, only. It's not worth it.
  • 1
    Time to look for a new role or even a new lifestyle since this is affecting your health. I know it's sometimes easier said than done. Wishing you the best.
  • 1
    @netikras I’d love to, I’m living in another country and the plan was to take a vacation while visiting them to get to enjoy some quality time together, but now I guess the plan is to wait the results to decide when to go.

    So I’m trying to save the vacation days, but I’m definitely a mess right now.
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