My worst devSin was testing in production once because I was too lazy to set up the dev environment locally.
Never will I do that mistake again!

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    If you cannot make the time, don't commit a crime 🤣
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    What do you mean by dev environment?
    You have multiple environments? But... then, how do you know about issue without customers complaint?
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    @KuMa Good question.
    My rant only concerns about a handful of websites which I did not develop but had to change some stuff at a later stage, where they were already in prod.
    Normally I'd either clone the repo or download all files and run it locally on Xampp (my dev environment), but in these cases I was just too lazy so I tested it in prod by uploading the files via FTP. 😓
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    @PonySlaystation hehe I was being sarcastic
    Sooo many customer just push things directly in production because they’re either cheap:
    what? Another environment, but we use physical servers, it’s be so expensive.. yea right, have you ever heard of cloud, real-time provisioning and auto-scale?
    Or just dead bad at it:
    Oh we tried to setup a dev and staging environment but every time we push a change it only works in dev... come on! Haven’t you heard of standardisation and configuration management? What is so hard in keeping track of config changes and environments setup?
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