So we have a desktop in each meeting room. In case you need to present something. And some of the desktops, if the previous person hasn't gracefully logged off, you can't log on.

Most people would take down the login id, run back to their own desktop, lookup and call the previous person to come and log off.

I'm not one of those nice people as you've already guessed - but there's no reset button on those desktops.

So instead of holding the power botton for a few seconds and tap again, I just unplug the power, and plug it back on.

  • 1
    brutal ⚡️
  • 0
    The two pins on the right side of the power on btn pins should be the reset pins.

    Power pins:

    ...mobo here...
    ...mobo end...

    Aaaand reset:

    ...mobo here...
    ...mobo end...

    Just use a screwdriver. Should be working like a charm (I actually do this all day because I'm to lazy to buy a new power button and I destroyed my old one)
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