Thinking about going full bum and just hike national parks until I die. No job, no possessions, no electronics, no hell, no heaven, no nothing - just living totally in nature - and if I die? So what 🤷‍♂️

  • 3
    Wouldn't survive a week
  • 5
    Get yourself a youtube channel and you can, Gabrial traveller is a boring twat but he travels for a living paid for by his youtube channel. If you know what you want out of life, figure out how to monetise it and go for it.
  • 3
    I say go for it.

    We had a DBA that sort of did this. He quit and the plan was to start at the big hiking trail in California (don't remember what it's called) and work his way back to his original home state in North Carolina. Hike until he ran out of money, work until he had enough to go again, wash-rinse-repeat. He said with his DBA skills, he had no problem finding work and only had to stay in one place for a few months, then back on the trail. He said he met some amazing people along the way and would do it again.

  • 1
    @electrineer I survived a week
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