
python devs are not devs

why do you need numpy and 30 other packages to change some lights on a keyboard

and then the kicker is that it doesn't even work, because it can't find a daemon I guess

this is so fragile
so ridiculous
every time, these math people

  • 4
    @jestdotty two things:
    1. That list exist and is called requirements.txt
    2. You volunteered for choosing that conda shit. Do python -m venv venv and then `source venv/bin/activate` and then pip install -r requirements.txt

    Python and pip are great. It's not like npm. It doesn't have the microservice mindset

    When you start programming: python is awesome
    When you master programming: python is now even more awesome

    The language of choice for ninjas

    Edit: shit, assumed you used conda because of the numpy
  • 4
    I don't think you need 30 packages to control lights on a keyboard, definitely don't need numpy. You can probably just do that using dbus and whatever is the Windows version of that.

    Also wtf do you mean by "math people". Python existed before it was widely adopted for computer science if that's what you mean
  • 4
    I take it you new to this whole python thing
    don't worry
    it will sink in after a few finished projects
  • 1
    @Hazarth Guido van Rossum is math dude
  • 0
    @Taqsblaz3 yes, exactly, but faster. Python is the best language because it's the easiest and the goal of a language is to be interpreterd by people, not machines. I did all dem mainstream languages but got stuck by python. Sadly, python is boring as daily job
  • 0
    Sounds like skill issues. Git gud.
  • 2
    numpy is awesome. I did a bunch of math with python regarding combinations. Doing the same combinations was painful in C++. Had similar issue with some of the numpy math. Simplistic in numpy, a lot more head banging in C++.

    Python is like legos. Combined with making your own modules it can be really efficient coding and running wise.
  • 1
    I really wonder what y'all be doing that you fuck up your packages and their respective installations with Python.

    I can shit on Python on a lot of different things, but I have yet to encounter an issue when creating a virtual env and installing the things I need.
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