
in contrary to what you guys might think about me, I am way too fucking good person for this world. Even the boss of the company out of my city that I worked in last week when we met the first time told me that I am a good person and that is very dangerous in today’s world, especially because of people like him. Whatever that means

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    I'd say it means he was pissed.
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    Did you get it under 5 hours? How is your project going? Did you manage to bs your way out of it yet?

    Still using bash? 😂
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    This is a bank so you probably have a few more weeks right?
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    When my boss used to go talk to the higher ups at the bank he would comment that he felt dirty after talking to them. That is what that means. We throw mamas and babies out on the street if they can’t make the house payment. Icccch! 😂
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    Usury is a sin and you are now going to hell good person.

    How does that feel?

    Still like working at a bank?
  • 1
    I regret working for a bank but at the time I needed a paycheck. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

    For penance read this cover to cover.


    Catholic guilt…
  • 3
    Did he say 'good' or 'pretty'? 😏

    "You're a good boy byplane, but I'm a bad bad man 👁️🫦👁️"

    Someone's getting promoted
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