
Fuck the working class

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    Did you just go fuck yourself?
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    II. Workers, or proletariat, do not own any means of production or the ability to purchase the labor power of others. Rather, they sell their own labor power.

    I am a worker, and it sucks. Also, working class were illiteral, unsanitary, poor and all their time is spent at work few decades ago.

    What changed? We're treated like factory workers 9-5. In my case, it's 9-6.


    I. Capitalists, or bourgeoisie, own the means of production and purchase the labor power of others.

    These people get others to do their work, and they get all the profits, they own the production, they own the IP.

    Even if you're a Nikola Tesla level genius and it's possible to die penniless because you're in the working class.


    We as engineers and developers busy busting our asses to improve our skills, increase our knowledge, learn the latest tech stacks but we need to face reality. We're just workers selling our time.
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    @kanyewest that's communist sales pitch

    working as a dev, even underpaid by more than half, I saved more than half my pay and learned how to "own the means of production"

    I'd also love to be my own company, but I hate having to work with the government who regulates far too much

    I'd say the problem is your government educated you to be a slave -- and employment is slavery, your choice is simply the choice of who rents you at that time -- and never invested in people being able to run their own enterprises. their laws are setup so people have to be scared to do anything, so bazyntine you'd need to hire people who devote their whole lives in understanding "what the government meant" and how the government will actually treat you despite what it originally meant

    economies are stagnating and dying
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    also smart people get propagandized that material wealth should be beneath them

    my 140 IQ PhD mom tried that on me, and I hear it often from those smart people in current era. but it's brainwashing

    Tesla's problem was he had an evil twin who kept stealing his shit, and made his life hell on purpose. this has nothing to do with "smart can't get money", actually smart do get money... phds in various fields like physics, biology, chemistry, get hired at the best hedge funds if they want it, super secret ones, that profit 40% a year as opposed to s&p 500's 5% a year or 10% ones at good banks the average person has access to if they're lucky

    Tesla basically had a power hungry Bill Gates on his ass that wanted to subjugate him and make his life as miserable as possible because he wanted to bitchslap Tesla so hard that Tesla would become his pet. kind of like big monkeys hit little ones in the primate world to establish hierarchies. humans are not any different in that regard
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    uniquely, programmers own the means of production. The means of production as described by Marx isn't the time you spend on the project which is an inalienable cost to any productivity in any system of governance and is always provided by the worker. The means of production is tools, vehicles, machines, factory lots and buildings, infrastructure.

    As a programmer, you aren't dependent on anything that isn't available at consumer prices. If you don't leave your company it's not because there isn't an alternative but because the security of scale is too attractive.
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    I also have quips with highly educated people calling themselves working class because a big part of the concept is that the working class as observed by Marx is being led and not represented, without a real opportunity to participate in the political discourse.

    This is also why every communist regime's first order of business was accessible schooling, and it was by far their most successful and lasting heritage in my opinion.
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    @jestdotty the educated take a risk thinking for themselves. Look what they are doing to Jordan. His talks are really thought provoking, but he is no longer in line with the narrative.
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    whenever i thought "that dude can't possible be more deranged", you still manage to surprise me.

    i tip my hat to your insanity.
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