
The plural of schema is schemata, and the plural of index is indices.

Words with irregular plurals are interesting, stop trying to force them to be like normal words.

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    My brain trying to grok stigma and stigmata
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    This brings up the classic topic of preserving the usage and form of words based on their origin. While I do personally like it and I usually try to use the older forms, I also have to admit that language is a public thing everyone contributes to - the right way of speaking a writing is any way in which the word is used and understood in a given context. That's what the language is for.

    So while some of us feel like the old way is the original and thus the better one, it's also true that a language which has rigid rules that dont't change is a dead language.

    At the end of the day, if someone says "indexes", it's okay. We who know that "indices" is closer to the origin will die out one day. The language just evolves to be easier to use, giving up some irregularities and adopting different ones to suit the usecase. It's precisely why new programming languages are created anyway, isn't it?
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    In 50 years, there, their and they're will be one word because in context you know which is being used (see - speech). There'll just be some pedants complaining.
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    @gemsy agree. The purpose of languages is to make communication easier. If changing words improves communication, it’s a good thing.
    However I can't stand when people try to change stuff to push some political agenda. Like the bullshit such as "master should be changed because it’s racist".
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    @Lensflare I'm just waiting for someone to invent a reason why "main" is offensive, like they did with the "ok" gesture.
  • 5
    The plural of Regex is regices
    Or regrets
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    @lorentz What’s the plural of X (twitter)? According to the rule it must be Ces.
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    @Lensflare it's a maths joke, the domain of a function is the set of x for which f(xl
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    Who even doesn't know indices? I use that all the time.

    Interesting to learn about schemata though. I'll start using it
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    linices, mutices
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    on the other hand, CUDA is plural, named after its many threads. A single sequential thread is known ss a CUDUM.
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    CUDA is actually the name of a warp's worth of threads. If your kernel is running in more than one warp, that's called CUDAE.
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    see also pizza, where a slice is called a pizzum and the batch delivered by one underpaid millennial is known as pizzae.
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    Genus -> genera

    Ephemeris -> ephemerides

    And then there are some languages where you change the start of the word rather than the end, so e.g. plural of "aboatia" is "mmoatia".
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