As far as you can remember, what was the first thing you did on the www?

  • 1
    For me it was '98. I went online and found a picture of a Jag XJ8 and printed it off on our black n white printer.

    I think printing was faster than the page load.
  • 2
    I think it was Yahoo games. I also remember watching videos on metacafe and YouTube had their tagline "Broadcast yourself" which i thought was super stupid and why would anyone wanna do that.
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    Back then I was blown away by the matrix movie's website. So I smashed that like no tomorrow
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    Probably look at naked people.
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    I started programming a website. After half a year my father told me that he actually had put my website "in the Internet" all the time. That was my first interaction with the internet. Beautiful memories.
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    Watching crappy memes on YouTube
  • 1
    Opened the browser 😄

    That or typed 'www' probably then followed by a dot.
  • 1
    Wondering among chatrooms.
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