
OH NOOOOSSSS! The next pandemic! H5N1 is gonna get you!

Personally, I don't give a cluck. Tired of bullshit to scare and control everyone.

  • 10
    this girl got a huge white cock. She seems satisfied and is having a good time interacting with it orally.

    Just sayin'..
  • 2
    @netikras she looks a little young for that though...
  • 8
    Bring it.
  • 0
    @Root is that bird yours?
  • 2
    @Demolishun "barely legal"

    idk tho, I've seen gals of my age looking younger than her.

    Hell, I had a neighbour living with her teenager daughter and NOONE could tell which is a mother and which is a daughter [except for those who knew already]. They looked like BFFs from school.

    These days... When you invite someone to a date, you've got to ask her for some ID or smth.
  • 3
    @TeachMeCode Yep! Her name is Oreo. She’s the leader of the flock, and will happily kick your butt.
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