I'm trying to stand up a docker container to read a storage queue with dotnet and invoke ffmpeg to convert some videos. For a whole day I fought with this wrapper (FFMpegCore) which kept throwing file not found errors on the ffmpeg binary itself. Locally (windows) it worked fine.

I spent a ton of time trying to install the Debian package, trying to add it to the path manually, trying to just use the wrapper just to generate the arguments I wanted (I'm not an ffmpeg pro, so the fluent API the wrapper has is super useful) and running it manually, nothing worked. Finally, I realized it wasn't getting to the part where I ran it manually: just using the fluent API to get the arguments was invoking ffmpeg and throwing.

I took away the wrapper completely, start ffmpeg manually and it works...

Ay carumba. Things just can't be easy.

  • 2
    FFMPeg is a beast, well worth the time investment to learn what it can do.
  • 0
    trying to learn ffmpeg WHILE learning docker!? Are you insane?
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