How can we accelerate Microsoft’s downfall?

  • 6
    Bx using linux
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    Make them obsolete
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    they're probably funded by pedos anyway

    also they had a massive leak of their internal documents recently, so that's gonna put them at a competitive disadvantage if the government didn't properly up Microsoft too much

    though seriously? go look at their income streams

    they treat their devs pretty well tho, according to this weird inappropriate tourettes guy I grew up with who has worked there for a long ass time and now buys 2k$ security cameras just to mess with them and funds a shitton of "folding at home" crap or something
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    seems they do cloud services
    sell windows to vendors
    Xbox stuff (which is strangely growing by a lot...)
    tf is devices? idk

    I can't find absolute numbers and I'm too lazy
    their growing sectors is Xbox and cloud though
    Xbox is growing but cloud is just keeping up with inflation in my opinion
    and everything else looks like it's stagnating
  • 7
    I’d rather kill adobe first
  • 2
    Apply for a job and work as well as you can
  • 8
    By having a better alternative.

    "Well use Linux",
    how is a UI from the 90s better?
    How does that compel people use to Windows 10/11 to move away from it, devs I get, but we are a niche of society and not your brainless TikTok cravers.

    "We'll use MacOs"
    So a pretty, but locked down OS with a price tag to use any hardware you want.

    Again, not compelling.

    "Well, use ChromeOS"
    ... did you not read?

    "We'll stick to windows you useless fuck"
    And that's where we are!
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    @C0D4 maybe it’s the experience, but I can’t see how it is any more difficult to install Ubuntu Desktop than it is to install windows
  • 6
    @Chewbanacas the average user does not install windows. They buy windows with their computer/laptop. The average user probably does not even know that their computer can run something else than Windows
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    @C0D4 UI from the 90s is way faster and way less confusing than modern UIs which have too many features and change all the time

    though I guess it would be nice to have the option to turn on some intuitive things
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    @Chewbanacas I'll pay to watch the average pc user install Ubuntu and not ask you "what's a root password"
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    Easy: Avoid their products and services.
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    @lastNick work forces me to use a windows laptop. Clients send me excel files. Anything I do with this degenerate abomination POS garbage take a me 3 times longer than with a Mac / Linux machine.
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    @C0D4 the average user doesn't even care or notice anymore, except when they close their browser by trying to type an @ character in an email address, what's probably one the few differences left between the desktop UI and that Mac defaults to the wrong scroll direction.

    I haven't been the only dev to provision family members including elderly "non-tech" ppl different computers including Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Mint, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows.

    It's like driving another person's car. Some have manual gear shift, some have the hand brake on an unexpected side, but most people will be able to drive any car on a short trip without thinking about or discussing differences. Same with computers.

    If all you need to do is write some text, use a spreadsheet, and do everything else in your browser, it's no big deal.
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    @usr--2ndry Right. I now thought about how driving a car from Microsoft would be like. The car telling you to shift, the gear knob is in the trunk, and when you ask the car why it tells you to go to a mechanic.
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    @usr--2ndry you said it for me "I provisioned it for the family member"

    My point is, adoption off windows only comes when forced or "it looks pretty"
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    @C0D4 funny you talk about 90s UI, when Windows 11 theme looks like a copy of KDE Plasma https://howtogeek.com/744361/...
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