
https://google.com”f people near me wanted to show me something.

Person: Check out this zero-day exploit! I hacked into the system using a cloud-based cryptographically secure MD5 hash finite automata firewall HTML code API!

Me: Erm...what exactly did you hack?

Person: *shows screen while smirking*

It was a shell simulator website running “ping https://google.com”

  • 26
    The power of a ping. I think I need to read the manual again on that one.
  • 12
    I mean, if this was like 1991 he could be giving google the ping of death fam :0
  • 14
    I understand all of Person's words separately.
  • 2
    I did the same thing, got offer latter from Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.
  • 0
    @squirvel it it were 1991 for everyone except the infrastructure to him.
  • 0
    LOL, At Which movie 🎥?
  • 1
    He was exploiting your naivety.
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