
Can anyone recommend a good free blogging site?

Was going to use wordpress but im not paying 130 AUD just to map it to a sub domain.

Blogger has very few options when it comes to themes and custom themes.

And tumblr... Is tumblr (I was using it but decided to rid myself of such filth)

  • 0
    I'll probably use Tumblr if I can't find any other decent options :-/

    Really did like their custom theme tools
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    I use github pages. You can use a custom domain with it.
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    For you or other? What's gonna be the content? Text mainly or lots of multimedia content?

    From your profile, I know you are familiar with programming, so running self-hosted WordPress is not that expensive nor hard as mentioned above.

    Yes there is Tumblr. Other options are
    GitHub pages + domain services,
    Dropbox + domain services,
    And blogger.
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    And what's wrong with tumblr exactly? I like it and see no problems with it.
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    @wolt Yes i could but that is very time consuming, especially when im looking to start my own services business, writing a book, spending time with family and my partner etc
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    @Michelle Nothing is *wrong* with it, just not a fan of the negative image is does bring unfortunately
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    @wolt Yeah, I'll probably look into a few of them, thanks for the recommendation anyway!
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