Finally switched from Ubuntu to Arch. Wish me luck.

Finally switched from Ubuntu to Mac. Wish me luck.

Similar sentences, very different feelings!

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    switched to mac a month ago from arch, I must say I really miss arch
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    @arch-chroot know the feeling.. :D

    Personally It's really just the keyboard layout & shortcuts that does it for me.
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    Is arch better than ubuntu?
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    @humble Almost more superior in every way... if you are brave enough to go all the way with configurations and setup, entirely almost manually. You’ll have a lot of control over your system, and can tinker it to almost anything you that you prefer. But there’s no fully-guaranteed stability, and the Arch wiki itself reminds users to be wary when updating their systems, although I’ve not had anything break since using it for the last 6 months, but I’ll leave that to long time users to comment.
    If you prefer a system that you almost never have to worry about these things, Arch is not for you.
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