Today, I got startled by my own reflection.

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    thought this was @awesomeest, this rant would've been more fitting for her. She's really that ugly.
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    @SidTheITGuy you never call someone, especially a woman "ugly".

    I'm a Nazi but I'm not that savage. Come on man. Where are your manners.
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    @kanyewest you're right, you're a Nazi and a simp, both at the same time.
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    no I agree, reflection is scary, even if you wrote it.
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    my one cell orange cat does the same
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    Happens to me when I shave after a long time
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    Welcome to the club, @-red
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    1. I actually only have 3 mirrors in my house (not counting the little ones i use as components occasionally or the 1 thats part of a compact mini brush in my purse).
    2 are in a bathroom i very rarely use currently cuz im remodeling. 1, which is the closest to a full length (the bar is low) one i have, is in the other bathroom and i keep my house dark af, rarely using a bathroom light.

    2. You're adorable. Trying so hard to call me out (or maybe this is an unfortunate attempt as gaslighting?)... yet so immature and lacking creativity (which makes total sense from your content as a whole) that you go with calling me ugly. LOL!

    3. I really wanna know what you tell yourself in your head when doing crap like this.
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    It's super intriguing to me.... like what's your intended end game here? Do you think Id actually care if some rando anywhere (much less, specifically you) thinks about my appearance? If so, why?

    Make-up stuff i know/can do:
    Eyeliner //taught by gay friend in theater
    Coloured chapstick
    The plain powder foundation (i think)
    Also, cover-up, though not for typical use.

    My wardrobe (which is nearly identical to 20+ yrs ago) is mainly boxers, unisex tshirts and pajama pants of mixed, often unknown, origins, socks from dollar tree and/or crane games. I own a few sets of casual/socially passable for most things, clothes, then 2 business suits and 3 formal event female outfits when im required at those things.

    Most of my boxers can(do) pass for shorts under a big shirt. Months ago i had to pick up chinese and was comfy in my panda onesie so i just put on(barely zipped) a hoodie. In hindsight i wonder if anyone noticed/thought it was racist.
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    @awesomeest you're fucking hot... stap
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    @kanyewest ehh i know, im adorable... it's quite deceptive. Me being "hot" is more dependent on preference. Im pretty overweight, decently dispersed, but still fat. I certainly have no shortage of people who still find me very attractive though.
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