
I found it!!!
The unicorn of nonsensical datetime formatting... In large scale official, current use!

It's actually dd/mm/yyyy !

  • 5
    That’s not confusing enough!
    It should be 06/05/24
  • 0
    You write in European English so might as well use euro style dating lol
  • 0
    It should follow your locale. Or your phone's locale. Or your bank's locale...
  • 5
    YM/DY/MD is the best date format
  • 0
    @lorentz this is the most evil idea ever! πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    @Lensflare Thanks!

    Also to clarify, the first M is the last digit of the month and the second M is the first digit of the month, because the clusters carry place value information
  • 0
    @lorentz yes, I got that πŸ˜†
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode what part of the multiverse do you live in... or use for your references?

    I do use a European date format by default (today is 21.5.24) but since there's more people who are used to other formats, i tend to stick to datetime objects/sql innate timestamp(6) so i can just reformat it for me upon query.

    I tend to seriously piss off an American bank or 2 a year and doctor's offices certainly arent fond of my occasional slip ups.
  • 0
    @awesomeest what does my timeline have to do with anything lol. I live in the spideyverse. Seriously why do you hate the format you like to use? It goes well with your euro English “mate”
  • 0
    I have good references but i have a buddy who referred me to someone he knows, said im a good dev and passed my resume to him and boom I’m signing paperwork this week for a cool startup. Love how one can surpass the hellish interview loop, damn. No onboarding bullshit or scrum, so I can keep the knife further from my throat lol
  • 0
    @awesomeest wait what’s this multiverse stuff about anyway?
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode forgot to mention... "European English" isnt really a thing. Most Europeans with english as a second language tend to use American english. I lean towards British/english english.
  • 0
    @cafecortado follow the locale is pretty vague unless always explicitly setting (and whatever being used actually calling for) the time and date format... and if you think that even 1/3 of all applications use that really easy/simple/basic methodology, please tell me where you get your drugs or who your hypnotherapist is.
  • 0
    @lorentz early in middle school i used to make/use tons of little regex reformatting scripts for too many things to list. I also wrote/formatted/stored(like fs architecture/scheme) them along the same lines as the notorious Obfuscated C methods. It was (still partially is) my personal brand of encryption fueled by the tennants of Obfuscated C, the spirit/sensibilities of Shakespeare's Puck and the intended applications of CSS.

    Clearly, I get bored easily.
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