Anyone use mobx?? It’s damn powerful but I feel uneasy with it reacting to mutations. It doesn’t feel right

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    Don't do this silly stuff. React is spaghetti. Unfixable. Vue(tify) is the answer
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    makeAutoObservable.. Blegh, vue has just watchers. So much cooler
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    Blegh blegh blegh
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    @retoor yeah my next role uses react native. But I like observables a bit better, just have to get my head around mutating triggering ui updates. Then again my last role’s frontend used react and did use rxjs observables in a reacty way but damn the code was like it was in some ancient alien tongue
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    @retoor most of mobx features seems complex to me, the tutorial code is unreadable as hell

    I’m using it in a veeery limited fashion
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    WTF to trigger a reaction I had to scroll through my observable array and call get() on each item??? Seriously! It’s like they’re trying to be as unusable as humanly possible, it’s a good thing im not letting this mobx stuff leak out too far in the codebase. I’m eventually handing it out to someone when my next gig starts, still waitin on paperwork. No way in hell I’m leaving that loop with the gets in and confuse the shit out of everyone
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    This mobx ain’t that bad if you limit what you observe to avoid that terrible counterintuitive shit where observed objects trigger ui rerenders if a prop changes which makes my brain sick

    I like reactive style by itself, so much cool shit you can do with it
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    Use whatever gets the job done the quickest. There is no “wrong” way to work with React, there is also no “right” way — the color of lipstick doesn't matter if it's on a pig.
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    @kiki 100 percent!! I’m totally with you on that!
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