Need some advice

Hey everyone! I'm just starting out in web design as a freelancer. What according to you is a good starting price I should charge a client?

I've got a client asking for prices and I'm not sure what to charge.
Any other tips would be appreciated :)

  • 0
    It's up to you really. You could price per hour, or page if you're old school

    Take into account how long it will take you and try to factor that in, but be reasonable at the same time

    Good luck :)
  • 1
    See other local devs prices and works.

    For starter it's better to charge for the whole project so you won't lag in a few hours of it
  • 7
    you should sumarize all the costs you need to cover to run your daily business.
    Software licences, hardware, printing costs, renting a office, electricity, hosting costs, insurances, membership in the local business chamber. Think of everything that's needed to run your business and ad your salery atop of this + a 10% contingency on top of it.

    in order to survive 60% of your time has to be billable. The other 40% is customer acquisition, book keeping, education.
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