
Day infinity+1 of the terrible iPhone keyboard wasting my time and making me look like a fool.

  • 1
    So do you plan to do anything to solve the issue? Like buying another phone brand...
  • 1
    @cafecortado I require it for Facetime and for app development for work. Otherwise, this thing would have been thrown into a lake day 2.
  • 0
    Not an iPhoner. So, what's the trouble with its keyboard?
  • 1
    @asgs It's the worst thing to come to phones since the "knife that stabs you when you check your voicemail" that Google test piloted a while ago.
  • 2
    Oh man, phone keyboards in general. One of my most common "nightmare" dreams is having to type something on a phone. Never typed one correct word until waking up
  • 2
    Microsoft SwiftKey till I die. I don't even try to type without mistakes
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