
Did I miss something or I have to create and build a profile in the Broadcom support center just to download a free version of VMWare ?
The fuck ?

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    Red Hat did that to me with OpenJDK
  • 4
    You clearly have missed the news, VMware became the corporate bitch of hypervisors.
    Openstack/cloudstack/proxmox or for the real masochists, pure libvirt/qemu is the way to go now.
    Unless you want to give money to cloud providers...
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    @lorentz dont u mean oracle?
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    @Elendil nope :) the audacity amazes me still
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    This is nothing new.
    To get the "free" product key for the ESX hypervisor, you needed to open an account, answer about 20 very personal questions, and sacrifice a goat.
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    @NeatNerdPrime how about xcp-ng?
  • 1
    @electrineer I had no idea this existed! Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
    I am planning to migrate from the painstaking openstack setup (which I am not happy about) to something else. For now cloudstack seems to be my preferred choice but I need to dedicate time to investigate properly and that is a big luxury nowadays.
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    @lorentz Grab corretto?
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