Week : 44

How is the weekend going?

What would you like to cook this weekend?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/10722712

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    some dude from college contacted me to "connect" and I seemed to have realized what oxytocin is from having a midlife crisis about the whole proposition
    I seemed to have entirely cut myself off from any sources of oxytocin over the years, and all the activities it releases under would always make my brain work better and are ones I decreasingly do, due to... well bad fucking shit happening
    and I don't trust people more and more now so they only cause me stress, but that must be why people shallowly hang out and I never understood the point of it. in my experience if you love something people will use it against you, and I've quite literally ran out of anything I can love now, even the non-people related activities got ruined

    I would like to try fasting soon, though probably not this weekend. might help my issues. would need to do 3-4 days I think. gonna do it once I'm out of the food in my fridge cuz I'm a sucker for fresh produce
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    This morning I feel like I've licked a badger's arse.

    I haven't, just to be clear.

    In case there's any ambiguity there.
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    Yesterday I've been configuring GPU-passthrough from a Fedora host to a Linux Mint guest. After some attempts it worked but I don't understand what I did.
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    it's shit just as all weekends have been for the past two years
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    @jestdotty How often do you hit gym?
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    @iiii Come up with a change next weekend. I will be waiting for you
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    I made curry on Friday and have been eating it since then. Also, spam, egg and cheese on an English muffin.
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    @spongessuck Spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam?
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    @sandeepbalan you know, the change will need to be literally of geographic scale to change anything
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