My PM frequently asked me what I'm doing as a Programmer in my Team because he wants to understand us better - I first started out explaining him every Detail of our work - he didn't get it - I then simplified it and told him We are creating the functionality and Gameplay features - he didn't get it. I then finished our conversations with telling him what I do like that "I drink coffee and I know things" - he was satisfied and I could work on

  • 2
    Yeah at first glance it sounds nice but if he does that every week it actually feels like he has to do that because it's one of his Tasks and not because he cares. But he's a nice guy so I want with "I drink coffee and know things" instead of ignoring him ;)
  • 0
    Sounds like PM might have promise. If not, you are controlling the situation with the coffee reference. Good luck! 😀
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