
my job went from being a programmer ==> technical support girl for the whole company D:

its kinda annoying because its mostly about amazon ec2 instances and i have to chat with the support team from amazon when something goes wrong while following the steps (that the others could have followed instead of going to directly to me to make me do it)
now i have to try and fix all the problems occuring in the servers :((

  • 2
    oh, this is bad...
    can you talk to your boss about this?
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation i did but he said no one else knows how to do it so i have to deal with it
    he said i should still continue programming but at the same time doing 3 other jobs for him and the others
    im d y i n g
    s e n d
  • 2
    @nickj hmm... difficult situation.
    You could either quit, or try to remind him, what your contract says what you should be working on...

    You could also send me your coordinates so I can send you Superman for rescue. ❤️
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation i could send you my address.....
  • 1
    @nickj awwww home sweet home... I'll send help asap as possible.
  • 0
    Extra mansion? Extra raise! Don't work extra for free!
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