
I hate these modern forums

if I follow a link and go back I lose my place and have to scroll because MoDeRn PaGinAtIoN

I would like to browse months of posts over several days but tomorrow my browser will lose the cache and I'll have to scroll past weeks of posts to find my place again and keep going

literally everything gets worse somehow through time. less features, less intuitive, less convenient, more walled-garden, everybody is more confused, yet less opinionated and less unique. before you'd have people at least making fun of each other, inside jokes, familiarities. people would give multiple right answers, trying to outdo each other with their version to gain a cultural foothold. now companies hold the cultural foothold and just ban you if your opinion is different, and every user is just another nameless generic blob

  • 2
    It's the footers, right? You wanna click privacy policy, but the stupid footer keeps running away from you as the content loads itself!
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