
Hey guys i was thinking about learning web development, mainly to make web apps, I already know C# and C++, but web dev looks so much different, can you advice me some good resources to start ?

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    Why dont you learn .net then? Even tho i hate it and i think its the worst fucking ecosystem, its not far from plain c#
  • 3
    I think you should take a look at sololearn app or w3schools
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    If you wanna go familiar languages route, asp.net for you.

    If you wanna try something new, there is Python or Ruby route.

    If you wanna try something simple and easy, there is PHP route.
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    Learn JavaScript. 1 language to rule the web. 😁😁😁
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    @MonsieurMan I shouldn't be the one giving all the answers. Right 😋

    Sharing ++ 🤣
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    @BindView and @CurseMeSlowly Idk, asp.net doesn't seem a lot popular.
    For now i'm going to look into FreeCodeCamp and You Don't know JS.
    Thanks everyone
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    You can do web dev in c#.
  • 2
    My two cents. Get good with:
    Css (super important)
    Js(super important also)
    Sql (major league important)

    And do not neglect css man, like at all. If you know c# then you will not have issues applying the asp.net framework. Get used to the mvc pattern since there is asp.net mvc. The stack ain't bad, but it requires much knowledge. You cannot neglect Node also since a lot of the front end tools use it. But yeah, css and get to know about how http works, what rest is etc etc.
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